Privacy Policy

Our goal is to protect the privacy and security of your personal information.
To achieve this goal, this Privacy Policy describes the types of information we may collect from you, how we use, disclose and protect that information, and how you control its use.
This Privacy Policy governs your experience on our Website (and any related pages, including the use of any of our services via mobile devices, mobile apps or otherwise) (the “Website”), unless otherwise stated.
In conjunction with this Privacy Policy, you should also review our Terms of Use and Terms of Sale to more fully understand the rules governing our website, products and services.
Information we collect automatically:
When you interact with our emails on or from our website or other websites, we may use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags or other technologies to automatically collect certain information. This information may include your IP address, browser type, geolocation data, unique user ID, phone model, operating system and carrier, and Internet service provider. We may also collect information about your use of our services, such as how many times you return to or visit the site, whether you click, open or forward links, emails and advertisements, the urls and pages you visit, the content on sections or pages of the site that you click on or are interested in, the number of times you visit each page, which downloads and/or search queries you make, How much time you spend on specific parts of the site and the site, as well as other website usage data.
Online Behavioral Advertising: We may work with third party advertising networks to display ads on our website or manage our ads on other websites. Our advertising network partners may use cookies, heat maps and/or web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about your activity on our website and other websites, to provide you with targeted advertising based on your interests, and to help us better understand how users engage with content on our website. Our systems may not respond to do not Track requests or headers from some or all browsers. To learn more about using cookies or other technologies to serve more relevant ads, and your options for certain service providers not to use this information, click here.
Information collected from other sources: We may obtain information about you from other sources, including commercial sources, such as social networks, data aggregators, and cooperatives
Information we receive from third parties, information we collect automatically (as described above), and information provided or collected offline, including when you make a purchase in a store
Information use
We may use the information we collect from you for the following purposes:
Personalize and improve our services, websites and stores and allow you to set up a user account and profile to personalize your experience with our Services; Provide you with a streamlined checkout experience:
To process and fulfill your order/purchase, to contact you regarding the status of your order/purchase, to answer questions, to respond to your inquiries or requests, or to contact and communicate with you as necessary;
By direct mail, email,
Text messages or push notifications provide you with targeted offers and advertisements, including on the website, to contact you about sales, promotions, offers and product information. You may receive these offers in advertisements directed to you through third party websites and media properties, including social media.
Help us learn more about our visitors and customers
We do not share, sell, lease or rent customer information to unaffiliated third parties except in the following circumstances:
We may share aggregated, anonymous, or aggregated information about our customers and their behavior with partners, advertisers, or other third parties. This data is not personal information and therefore does not identify you personally.
The information you provide to us, including information we automatically collect about you (as described above) and information we receive from third parties, may be used to improve the efficiency of our marketing efforts. The information you provide to us, including the information we automatically collect about you (as described above)
It may also be shared with trusted third parties for their own marketing purposes.
We may share information with companies that provide support services to us, such as printers, post offices, fulfillment companies, credit card processors, email service providers, or web hosts. These parties may need your personal information to perform their duties. However, these parties may not use any personal information we share with them about you for any purpose other than to perform support functions for us.
Changes to this privacy policy
Please note that we may change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. When we do, we will post the changes on the website. If we make any material changes, we will give you appropriate notice by mail or email. We recommend that you periodically review this Privacy Policy for any updates and/or changes. Your continued use of the Site after we have made changes will be deemed acceptance of those changes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will seek your consent if any changes to this policy relate to how we use the personal information we have previously collected from you.
Links to other websites
We may link to or provide some services in connection with third-party websites or apps that may have different privacy practices. We are not responsible for the practices of such websites or apps, and we encourage you to read and fully understand their privacy policies.

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